
Connect to community

We believe that Groups are the heart and soul of our life together at FCC. Through Groups, we have the opportunity to live out our vision to "Love God and Love people" by going UP (worship God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength), IN (love those inside our church) and OUT (love and serve people who have yet to encounter Him).


We all need community to grow. Groups are a way for you to be cared for and to care for others. As we break bread together, sit at the feet of Jesus through His Word, and serve one another inside and outside our group, we are transformed. We invite you to Connect, Build and Serve!
(In Person)
Leaders: David Ramnarine
Time: 2nd Sunday every month at 09:00 AM
Location: FCC Conference Room

What does ministry look like when you’re over 50?  JOY! Join us at 9 AM for fellowship, prayer and DBS (Discovery Bible Study). We meet on the second Sunday of each month at 9AM before our Sunday gathering

(In Person)
College Group
Leaders: Becca Gould
Time: at Changes Weekly
Location: Changes Weekly

If you are a college student in the bay area, please contact Becca to get connected with our College group that meets regularly through out the year.

(In Person)
Leaders: Jennifer McDonald, Alan Ball, Melissa Coker and Ken Hardin
Time: Wednesdays at 07:00 PM
Location: FCC

Are you, or someone you know, struggling with marital separation or divorce? A 13-week DivorceCare session will start on January 31st at Fremont Community Church. The DivorceCare meetings include instructional and helpful videos, a workbook, and time to discuss the material and your situation with others in a confidential setting.


(In Person)
Young Adults
Leaders: Becca Gould
Time: Tuesdays at 07:00 PM
Location: Suju's Coffee

Anyone just out of college and up is welcome at our weekly Tuesday evening gathering. We currently meet at Suju's on Stevenson every Tuesday from 7-8:30pm, and plan a community building event once per month. We hope to see you there!

The Well
Leaders: Marcia Dang
Time: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 07:00 PM
Location: Zoom

We are Women Engaging in Logos and Love. Join women of all ages as we connect with God and each other through diving deeper into God's Word through Bible study, applying the truths that God teaches to our everyday lives!

(In Person)
Young Families
Leaders: Eugenia Cai
Time: TBD at 00:00:00
Location: Various Homes

We are a group of families with young children that meet for Topical studies, fellowship, family activities to engage young families into life of FCC.

(In Person)
Leaders: Jennifer McDonald
Time: Thursdays at 06:30 PM
Location: FCC

Our purpose is to reach people dealing with mental health challenges and to create a supportive environment. We are an authentic community that nurtures mental health and well-being through the transformative love and grace of God.

(In Person)
Leaders: Scott and Ruth Ritter
Time: Thursdays at 06:30 PM
Location: Home

Branches is focused on fellowship, the Bible, and dessert! We are made up of couples and singles. If you want to grow spiritually, pray and be prayed for, and get to know other Christians, we welcome you!

Louie Group
Leaders: Gary and Stephanie Louie
Time: Tuesdays at 07:00 PM
Location: Home

Join us as we connect with God and each other through diving deeper into the Sunday morning sermons, applying the truths that God teaches us to our everyday lives.

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